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邦健工艺制造厂位于珠江三角洲西南部,广东省五金与不锈钢制品专业镇—司前镇。专业生产晒衣架、电视柜、钢管杂物架、餐桌椅等各种五金家具、铁线及电镀系列产品,多年来吸取传统与现代工艺之精髓,秉承精益求精的作风,视质量为生命,在生产管理上严抓质量,在质检上严格要求,对所有源材料的采购严格把关。正因为邦健厂全体员工上下一心、团结一致的努力,使邦健厂的产品品质出众,享有盛誉!产品畅销香港、东南亚、中东及美洲市场。我们始终如一,诚招天下广大客商共同合作,谋求共同发展。Bangjian metal craftwork products manufacturing factory Located in Siqian town Xinhui district Jiangmen city Guangdong, China, the country of overseas Chinese in Pearl River Delta. We are an entity specializing in metal furniture and iron wire craftwork products. Our products are essential, Our products are sold to HongKong, South-east Asia, Mid-east, America etc. Strength and profession will stay with us all the time. you can trust in because we keep on working hard to develop the quality of all our products. Due to our novel styles... [详细介绍]