潮安县古巷今日陶瓷厂是一家生产陶瓷柜盆的现代化企业,生产的柜盆款式新颖、造型美观、品种多样、性能优越,今日柜盆秉承浓厚的欧陆文化底蕴和先进生产工艺,运用现代的生产工艺和优良的纯瓷抗菌原材料,打造舒适简便,高雅尊贵经典风情的产品。 热诚欢迎各界人士前来洽谈业务,共创美好明天。Chaoan Guxiang Jinri Ceramics Factory is a modern enterprise which producing ceramic cabinet basin . Our cabinet basin have novely style, beautiful appearance, various species, superior performance.With dense European culture and advanced production technology, Jinri cabinet basin using modern production technology and excellent anti-bacterial pure ceramic raw materials to create elegant , comfortable, distinguished and classical products. [