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潮州市“金玛”瓷艺厂是一家专业生产日用餐具,各种茶具,杯类,礼品,套装的厂家。本厂以“质量第一。客户至上”为经营宗旨,集陶瓷工艺之精华,博采众家之长,深受海内外客户的青昧及好评。“金玛”愿与各界人士携手合作,共创辉煌。 Chaozhou Jinma Porcelain Art Factory specializes in producing daily-used dinner sets, tea sets, gifts and so on. Quality First & Customers Supreme is always its principle. With high quality and novel designs, the products are very well received. Jinma sincerely hopes to cooperate with clients all over the world. [详细介绍]