产品介绍DESCRIPTION 产品说明The ZL7419 is a high performance signal processor specifically designed for car radio applications.The device includes a high performance audioprocessor with fully integrated audio filters. The digitalcontrol allows programming in a wide range of filter characteristics. By the use of BICMOS-process and linear signal processing low distortion and low noise are obtained.产品属性产品属性:具体的产品属性请仔细阅读规格书,或者是咨询专业人士。(Specific product attributes, please read it carefully specification or counseling professionals.)其他说明使用方法:具体的使用方法请仔细阅读规格书,或者是咨询专业人士。(Method of use: the use of specific methods, please read the specification carefully, or consult experts)交易说明交易方式或产品咨询请联系专业人士;(Way to trade or product consultation please contact professionals;)