棒棒糖鼓厂家 棒棒糖鼓生产 棒棒糖鼓批发 棒棒糖鼓定做
廊坊市琴之恋乐器公司,是一家生产儿童打击乐器为主,辅以儿童玩具的主业厂家。主要产品有:儿童钢琴、奥尔夫教具、琴类、铃鼓、沙锤等百余种打击乐器,规格齐全、工艺精湛、音质优美、造型典雅而享誉国内外,产品畅销全国二十几个省市,部分产品更远销欧美等国家。 Love playing the musical instrument company of Langfang city, is mainly a manufacturer of percussion instruments for children, supplemented by industry manufacturers of children's toys。Main products are: piano, Orff's teaching aids for children, piano class, taken kind of percussion such as tambourine, Cabasa, complete specifications, fine workmanship, beautiful sound quality, elegant reputation at home and abroad, products sell well in more than provinces, some products are exported to Europe and other countries