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深圳加瑞华进出口有限公司出口烟花制造工厂简介火药是中国的四大发明之一,素有“花炮之乡”美称的浏阳又是国际烟花协会的会址所在地。我们的工厂就是在这个美丽的浏阳河畔,位于新修浏东公路17公里处,依山傍水,环境优美,交通方便。我厂是集烟花生产,销售,燃放和科研开发为一体的合资企业。2001年我厂开始相继投资1000万元人民币,新建厂房近三百栋,建筑面积10,000平方米,占地500余亩。拥有安全,生产,专业技术管理人才50余人,职工500多人。并在浏阳花炮交易中心,长沙和深圳等地都设立了业务窗口和信息网站。 “红叶”是我公司鞭炮、烟花的专用商标。它工艺独特,装璜精美,花色艳丽,燃放安全,响声清脆宏亮。 "红叶牌"鞭炮烟花品种繁多,大体可分为喷花,组合盆花,礼花弹,吐珠,烛光,火箭,冷光烟花,造型玩具烟花,烟,伞,转轮和一些线香类等1000多个品种。我公司和长沙凯维科技多年合作开发出电控,遥控点火音乐烟花等系列产品,2003年11月,我公司技术工程师又成功的研制了气球烟花。我司产品已成功地销往美洲,欧洲等地。 现年产量可达2000万人民币。公司董事长李锐,有过丰富的市场经营经验。烟花制作工厂总经理高级工艺技术工程师彭高林先生曾经在浏阳外贸从事科研技术研究长达20年之久。有丰富的管理经验和技术水平。公司恪守“顾客至上,信誉第一,质量第一,安全第一”的原则,秉承“开拓,创新,务实,高效”的企业精神,将现代科技与传统工艺完美结合,塑造出至信至美的“红叶”品牌。又以“团结,进取”的精神严格科学管理,走实业化,集团化,多元化,国际化道路,全方位参与国内外市场竞争。我公司按照“平等互利、友好合作”的原则,真诚地希望与世界各国朋友建立和发展贸易关系,进行合作与交流。 “红叶”牌烟花是湘东一颗璀璨明珠,在异彩纷呈的烟花之乡浏阳,它必将显示出它独有的魅力,释放出更加绚丽的光彩!  INTRODUCTIONShenzhen garrywa import & export co.,ltd.The gunpowder is one of the four inventions in ancient China, the fireworks stemmed from Hunan province. The earliest fireworks were produced in Tang dynasty according to the history records. So far, it has more than one thousand years. Liuyang, which is the home of fireworks, is also the center of the International Fireworks Association. Our factory located nears the Liuyang River, which is 17km far from the new Liudong highway with beautiful sight and convenient transportation.Our company is a joint venture with fireworks’ producing, selling, displaying and technology studying. Our factory has invested capitals nearly RMB10, 000,000 since the year 2001. And we have built nearly 300 new workhouses. There are also some small-scale subsidiary factories will be created. Our factory has created business window and information web side in Liuyang Fireworks Transaction Center, as well as Changsha and Shenzhen. Our factory has more than 500 workers, including 50 safety and technology management experts. We have our own brand. ’Red leaf’ is our brand of fireworks and firecrackers, which has its unique art crafts, beautiful package, safe display and big sound. ’Red leaf ’brand have more than 1000 kinds of fireworks, including cakes, assorted cakes, display shells, candle, rocket, toy fireworks, smoke, parachutes, spinner wheel, sparkler and so on. The cooperation between our company and Changsha Kaiwei Technology Company is for many years. And we produced many new products. The products of our company have successfully sold to American and EU. The value of the fireworks production is amount to RMB20, 000,000 per year. Lirui, the board chairman of our company, with considerable manage experiences own an inner trade company by himself, which deals in many products. And also own an import and export company in Shenzhen, which specializes in toys, clothes, arts and crafts, as well as ‘Zhonghua’ gem series tellurians. The manager of the fireworks manufacture in our company is Mr. Penggaolin, who is advanced arts and crafts engineer worked in Liuyang International Trade Department for 20 years with enough manage experience and technology level. The principle of our company is ‘customer fist, credit fist, quality fist, and safety fist.’ And ‘developing, creating, practicing, and high efficiency ’is the idea of our company. The combination of advanced technology and the traditional art crafts created the brand ‘Red leaf’. With the cooperation of our workers and the excited company idea, we can win the largest economic benefit at the beginning of China entry into the WTO. We should take this opportunity to participate in international competition. At the service aim of ’customer fist, credit fist, quality fist, and safety fist’ and the principle of mutual benefit, friendly cooperation, we sincerely wish to establish business relations and develop co-operations and communications with foreign friends all over the world.
公司名称: 深圳加瑞华进出口公司浏阳分公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
所 在 地: 广东/潮州市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
资料认证:    企业资料通过asiabt认证
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 制造商